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Post has published by Simurgh

Aela Humans

The Aelan empire is the most recent successor of the once great house of Lyneth. For over one thousand years the house of Lyneth ruled over the Aela. A golden age endured for most of their reign. It was only during the dawn of [the last century before the fall], during the Great War of the Undying that the house fell. With no suitable heir to the Lyneth throne the country fell into chaos, giving rise to the fragile republic we see today. The Empire is overseen by the Emperor, a leader elected by the Council of Five – those who govern the Empire’s greatest cities. The Aelan empire is by far the largest nation in all of Verra, with over eight million souls among its inhabitants. Their borders touch upon every other nation and their reach expands beyond, as they take to the seas of Verra, deploying their widely feared armies to any shore. The Empire uses this fear to bully many city states, bending them to their will. Those who deny the will of the Empire often find themselves at the end of a sword.


Build. Order. Civilization. These are the foundational principles of the Kaelar. Their empire in the old world spanned the largest of all, and they plan to do the same in this world. Extremely loyal to their roots, the Kaelar will rise to the challenge.


Trade. Law. Hardship. The Vaelune were forged in the heat of the desert, and through the ages became a blade that bends, but does not break. Through the development of a complex web of relationships and savvy negotiation, the Vaelune grew into one of the wealthiest empires in Sanctus, despite having few natural resources to exploit. Their environment has taught them what it means to kill or be killed, whether through the beasts of the desert or the snakes in the market square.

Dünzenkell Dwarves

Deep in the mountains of Verra legend tells of a forge created by the gods, from whence all Dwarves originated. Fabled to be the first created of the major races, the Dwarves are said to have arrived on the continents with ships made of stone and steel. Dwarven smiths and craftsmen are found far and wide across Verra. The center of the Dwarven race is the nation of Dünzenkell, found deep in the northern mountains. Dwarven society tends to be heavily matriarchal, with their clans often serving under the eldest matriarch. Dwarves are closely connected to one another by alliances forged between family guilds. The Dwarven child is marked at a young age with his or her guild sigil. Some dwarves banished from Dünzenkell or having chosen to walk a path alone will often have their sigil burned from their skin.

The Dünzenkell nation, deep within the mountains of Verra, is the oldest nation in the world. The Dünzenkell have been known as many names over the ages, but only one name has graced the highest mountain, within which their capital has stood since the beginning of recorded history: Dün. The Dwarves of the Dünzenkell rule through a council of guilds. A royal family is chosen once every 200 years by this council to rule. Currently the right to rule falls on the shoulders of King Grimlay. It has been nearly 400 years since a patriarch led the Dünzenkell. Expeditions are often sent from Dün into the Underrealm, where many believe lies the secret to the Dwarves’ artisanship. Untold magic lies deep within Verra. It’s source is not known to many. Dünzenkell has long benefited from this source though. It has fueled the expansion of the Dwarven kingdoms throughout the northern mountains.


Stoic. Tradition. Forge. Most of the peoples from the old world would see a mountain and think nothing of it. The Dünir saw a defensible home where riches abound. The Dünir take immense pride in what they craft and what they build: fortifications that seem impregnable, warhammers that never break, or beautiful gems for their royalty are all in their repertoire. Don’t be deceived by their stout stature. Pound for pound, they’re the strongest warriors the world has ever known.


Family. Freedom. Courage. Where the Dünir saw mountains as home, the Niküa saw it as a prison. How could they complete the great hunt inside a cave? The craft of their brothers doesn’t elude them, though: they too are highly skilled artisans. Instead of jewelry for nobles, the Niküa see crafting as a right of passage and advancement of the family. Will you progress your people from the mountains of your ancestors?

Kaivek Orcs

The Orcs have always adhered to a strict code of tribal loyalty. Thirteen centuries ago [before the fall],  a leader named Ran’Kal united the clans into a nation called the Kaivek Protectorate. Kal taught that all Orcs answer to the protection of the divine order. This teaching expressed the belief that it was the will of the gods that all Orc kind should have superiority over the nations of Verra. For it was only through the unity of the clans that the people of Verra would be led to enlightenment. It was the teachings of Kal that led  the Kaivek to pursue campaigns of conquest across the lands of Verra. Where the Orcs were once nomadic and divided before Kal, through his leadership they became a powerful nation united in conquest. Trophies of each city conquered are found in the capital city of Ren. [Just before the fall] the Kaivek Protectorate adopted a policy of peaceful coexistence with their neighbors. Having endured centuries of conflict, leaders rose among them echoing the teachings of peace. These recent reformations have once again begun to lead to a fracturing of the Protectorate. Some unrest among the clans have called for a culling of those who are unworthy of the protection from the divine order.


Honor. Power. Tranquility. Through staying centered their power only grows. The Ren’Kai believe in ultimate focus and controlling their immense power. When a Ren’Kai becomes enraged though, there aren’t many men or beasts who can live and tell the tale.


Celestial. Purpose. Fate. When one stargazes they find beauty lies beyond our world, when the Vek stargaze they find fate lies beyond our time. Star maps, numerology and prophecy are integral parts of each Vek’s life. Great leaders read the heavens for how wars will go, which empires will rise and fall, and the Vek often ask themselves “are we too late?”

Pyrian Elves

For over 4,000 years the Pyrian royal family of Eradal has endured. The kingdom’s borders encompass the great forest of Eranthia. The capital of Amera is among the oldest and most beautiful cities in the world. Elven society is primarily patriarchal and its royal families can trace their lines back to the days of the Dark Fires. The Pyrian universities of magic and martial studies are unparalleled in the lands of Verra. Many of the citizens of the Kingdom venture out into the lands of Verra wishing to spread their knowledge of art and science to their fellow Verrans. These ventures are often subsidized by the royal households of Pyria for hopes it will foster a better relationship with their Human neighbors. 

The kingdom has seen its share of wars. Once a close ally of Aela and the house of Lyneth, the Pyrian Kingdom and Aelean Empire ended one of the bloodiest wars in Verran history. Eighty years have passed since the last bloodshed and although tensions have subsided among the citizens of the two nations, there remains a heightened level of distrust among the Empire’s new rulers and the royal family of Pyria.

The Elven race is generally a secretive one, and exists within the Pyrian kingdom and keeping generally within the natural borders of their forests. It has only been over the past millennia that the Riverlands have begun to see colonies of Elves exist. Elven scholars, dignitaries and pioneers can often be found in many of the human cities: Though their presence is rarely seen in sites other than archaeological, academic or diplomatic. Rumors abound throughout the darker circles of Verra that there lies a particular lineage of Elves that exist within the Underrealm of Verra.


Imperial. Pride. Culture. Though not as numerous as the Kaelar, the Empyrean’s elite military forces and highly structured government make them a force to be reckoned with. The people of the Empyrea surely have a plan to carve their place in the world.


Nature. Balance. Fury. All things come to balance in time, and nature always has her way. Don’t let their love for nature fool you though, the Py’Rai rarely take prisoners. Whether by bow or spear, the Py’Rai’s legacy will take root.


Tulnar stands for “the forgotten”. The Tulnar area combination of the four major races and many minor races that were left behind on Verra during the great Exodus from Verra to Sanctus. During the Great Calamity the Tulnar fled to the Underrealm to escape the corruption that befell Verra.

They are the beast race of Ashes of Creation. The Tulnar are not a result of corruption.